Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Corporate Blogging at its Best By Jeremy Long Chia Teik Platinum Quality Author

The blogosphere is currently getting hyperactive and saturated with millions of blogs. Activity on the internet has tremendously increased over the years making the blog the most popular channel which web surfers use for interaction. Information can be easily obtained and marketing strategies can be effectively realized through these blogs. Blogs are now part of the marketing strategy for most organizations. The obvious reasons are the common threads of cheap and fast communication, being real-time, easy addition of new posts, permitting easy posting of readers' comments, and the prompt alerting of subscribers to the latest post updates.

In corporate blogging, it is strongly advised to immerse in the true culture of blogging - being real, blogging with a pleasant rhythm and writing with a unique voice. Do not forget about being honest, being transparent, and being willing to ask for feedback from readers.

Corporate blogging is now another opportunity for the organization to create buzz and strong following of customers. It is another marketing strategy that will be most effective if the following guidelines are applied:

(1) Pick the most precise and specific subject

The choice of a specific subject that will be posted on a corporate blog has an important role to play in the impact it will have upon readers. The topic in discussion must be written out of true inspiration. There must be passion centered around this topic. Attention from the targeted audience will be captured if you are focusing only on the rules and regulations of the Uniform Customs and Practice Guidelines when you are discussing about Export Trade and Letters of Credit documentations. Staying focussed on a specific subject brings good results. The targeted audience will be enthusiastic about the knowledge. They will be thus connected to your blog.

(2) Speak your voice

The culture of blogging requires a unique voice from the blogger. It is no different for a corporate blogger. Obviously, much more consideration has to be given to areas such as what to write, how to write and how much to write. Corporate blogging needs a little more attention if the blog is to be well-balanced in terms of blogging culture. You can be personal in approach, but there has got to be professionalism in it too. There must be a balance in the area of content too. Content may be passionate and opinionated, but there must be a right proportion of facts and of research if there is an intention to blend these into the main content of the corporate blog. Speaking your voice requires sincerity and transparency. Expand on the topic with passionate authority. Make the reading for the readers pleasant, light, and easy behind a conversational voice.

(3) Encourage the participation of readers

It is wise to involve the readers in the materials on the corporate blog through their participation by giving feedback and comments. This is to facilitate interaction and involvement that are vital to the life of the blog. All feedback and comments should be strongly encouraged and should not be taken negatively. These will be challenging especially for the future developments of the corporate blog. The corporate blog needs to be proactive and learn willingly.

(4) Get identification for the blog

The corporate blog must have an identity of its own. The direction that is adopted for the corporate blog must be decided. The kind of content to be released on the blog has to be confirmed. That said, the blog must be presented as an appealing and interesting package. The best method to get good results will be by making use of links. Links are what matter in terms of blog visibility and traffic. For the good of corporate blogging, put up the name of the blog by inserting links within the blog to reach other bloggers. No links, no gain. This is the reality in the blogging world.

(5) Provide good presentation and content with frequency

Corporate blogging certainly requires the blog to reach as many readers as possible, with good content and easy-reading presentation. Strike up an interesting and catchy title for the blog. Pump this up with good presentation styles that may include bullets, subheadings and short paragraphs. Additionally, some graphic charts and videos may be included for visual and audio appeal. Do not neglect the blog; it has to be updated regularly. Convey the reasons if it is necessary to leave it for a while. Your readers must know what is happening currently.

(6) Be thrilled while blogging

Blogging is fun. It is not necessary bad for the image of the corporate world. Actually blogging brings out the zest of the blogger - to write more with inspiration, voice and passion. It is the same with corporate blogging. The voice that shows inspiration and passion will be there. The voice that speaks with quiet authority on the specific subject is present too. The same platform is being used for blogging, be it personal or corporate.

Blogging is the new phenomenon in communication. The corporate world has to engage corporate blogging to pursue its marketing dreams. Blogging on a corporate level takes on a new dimension with a unique voice and style. Let it be fun.

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Webmaster: Jeremy Long Chia Teik.

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