Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Earn Blogging

why blogging

How to Make $90,480 Per Month by Blogging By Russell Blanc Platinum Quality Author

A millionaire blogger reveals his secret blueprint to online wealth that earns him over $90K per month. Now you can copy this exact million dollar blueprint to give yourself an unfair advantage over the competition and cash in every month.

The Million Dollar Blogging Blueprint works better than any other blogging method on the internet.

Blogging to Make Money

Here's what you'll discover...

* How One Dumb Little Automated Blog Earned $14,480.13 Last Month
* The 5 Biggest Secrets That Guarantees A Home Run Style Success For Any Blog You Create In 2009
* The Most Successful Step-By-Step Blueprint For Long Term Blogging Success
* The Secrets To Building A Blog Empire That Earns Over $236,255 Per Year
* How To Create Real Blogs In Just A Few Clicks
* 6 Sure-fire Promotion Techniques That Are Driving 256,667 Visitors To Just One Of My Blogs Every Month
* How Any Business Or Individual Can use Blogging For More Exposure And Gain An Instant 'PHD' Credibility Status
* The One Technique No One Else Is Telling You About On How To Build A Multi Million Dollar Blogging Empire
* Are you absolutely sick of all the get rich quick hype, losing your hard earned cash on Google Adwords and finding it hard to even make a single dollar in profit online?

I often receive emails from people just like you who are struggling to make a living online. You've bought existing systems and courses but you just can't seem to make it work. You've dropped two thousand into advertising on Google but haven't seen any profit.

Most of the so call systems the guru's push you are don't work.


There is some good news...

Here, Out from the underground after many months of quietly earning thousands with new blogging methods to reveal to you... The little guy, the real proven techniques to making an easy six figures every year from creating long term blogs... Seven figures if you want to work hard.

I've been constantly testing my methods as well as trying new method and techniques I discover which has enabled me to keep making a killing online.

Blogging To The Bank is a new step-by-step roadmap I personally use every time I create a new successful blog that will bring money in automatically for years to come.

There's nothing but hard hitting, proven techniques that I personally use to build my blogging empire that brings in thousands of dollars every month. Are you ready to change your life forever...

Even if you know nothing about blogging but just want to learn a fool proof way to generate thousands of dollars per month then you need to listen up as this will be the most important webpage you visit all year.

Back in 2005 I was struggling to make any profit online. I had dropped out of college and was getting deeper into debt...

After months of wasting my time on existing systems I did the thing the so called Guru's tell you not to do... I threw away all their crap I had on making money and went about my own way.

I'll be honest, it was far from easy and it took months before I had any breakthroughs but over time I developed a simple way to make money blogging.

I shared this with the world in early 2006 and had the best selling blogging ebook ever... Tons of people got rich off my information and I received hundreds of thank you emails and success stories.

I was even asked to speak at Online Marketing legend Yanik Silver's Underground Seminar where I shared some very under the radar techniques... And I mean really underground stuff. Not one person at that event had ever heard of some of the techniques I revealed.

Now I'm going to share the exact slides from my presentation with you so make sure you keep reading this web page if you want to get your hands on what others paid almost two thousand dollars to attend.

However... Years later the game changed and what was working back in 2006 isn't working very much right now.

I've been constantly testing my methods as well as trying new method and techniques I discover which has enabled me to keep making a killing online.

Blogging to Make Money

Russell Blanc manages a website about Blogging to Make Money

Corporate Blogging at its Best By Jeremy Long Chia Teik Platinum Quality Author

The blogosphere is currently getting hyperactive and saturated with millions of blogs. Activity on the internet has tremendously increased over the years making the blog the most popular channel which web surfers use for interaction. Information can be easily obtained and marketing strategies can be effectively realized through these blogs. Blogs are now part of the marketing strategy for most organizations. The obvious reasons are the common threads of cheap and fast communication, being real-time, easy addition of new posts, permitting easy posting of readers' comments, and the prompt alerting of subscribers to the latest post updates.

In corporate blogging, it is strongly advised to immerse in the true culture of blogging - being real, blogging with a pleasant rhythm and writing with a unique voice. Do not forget about being honest, being transparent, and being willing to ask for feedback from readers.

Corporate blogging is now another opportunity for the organization to create buzz and strong following of customers. It is another marketing strategy that will be most effective if the following guidelines are applied:

(1) Pick the most precise and specific subject

The choice of a specific subject that will be posted on a corporate blog has an important role to play in the impact it will have upon readers. The topic in discussion must be written out of true inspiration. There must be passion centered around this topic. Attention from the targeted audience will be captured if you are focusing only on the rules and regulations of the Uniform Customs and Practice Guidelines when you are discussing about Export Trade and Letters of Credit documentations. Staying focussed on a specific subject brings good results. The targeted audience will be enthusiastic about the knowledge. They will be thus connected to your blog.

(2) Speak your voice

The culture of blogging requires a unique voice from the blogger. It is no different for a corporate blogger. Obviously, much more consideration has to be given to areas such as what to write, how to write and how much to write. Corporate blogging needs a little more attention if the blog is to be well-balanced in terms of blogging culture. You can be personal in approach, but there has got to be professionalism in it too. There must be a balance in the area of content too. Content may be passionate and opinionated, but there must be a right proportion of facts and of research if there is an intention to blend these into the main content of the corporate blog. Speaking your voice requires sincerity and transparency. Expand on the topic with passionate authority. Make the reading for the readers pleasant, light, and easy behind a conversational voice.

(3) Encourage the participation of readers

It is wise to involve the readers in the materials on the corporate blog through their participation by giving feedback and comments. This is to facilitate interaction and involvement that are vital to the life of the blog. All feedback and comments should be strongly encouraged and should not be taken negatively. These will be challenging especially for the future developments of the corporate blog. The corporate blog needs to be proactive and learn willingly.

(4) Get identification for the blog

The corporate blog must have an identity of its own. The direction that is adopted for the corporate blog must be decided. The kind of content to be released on the blog has to be confirmed. That said, the blog must be presented as an appealing and interesting package. The best method to get good results will be by making use of links. Links are what matter in terms of blog visibility and traffic. For the good of corporate blogging, put up the name of the blog by inserting links within the blog to reach other bloggers. No links, no gain. This is the reality in the blogging world.

(5) Provide good presentation and content with frequency

Corporate blogging certainly requires the blog to reach as many readers as possible, with good content and easy-reading presentation. Strike up an interesting and catchy title for the blog. Pump this up with good presentation styles that may include bullets, subheadings and short paragraphs. Additionally, some graphic charts and videos may be included for visual and audio appeal. Do not neglect the blog; it has to be updated regularly. Convey the reasons if it is necessary to leave it for a while. Your readers must know what is happening currently.

(6) Be thrilled while blogging

Blogging is fun. It is not necessary bad for the image of the corporate world. Actually blogging brings out the zest of the blogger - to write more with inspiration, voice and passion. It is the same with corporate blogging. The voice that shows inspiration and passion will be there. The voice that speaks with quiet authority on the specific subject is present too. The same platform is being used for blogging, be it personal or corporate.

Blogging is the new phenomenon in communication. The corporate world has to engage corporate blogging to pursue its marketing dreams. Blogging on a corporate level takes on a new dimension with a unique voice and style. Let it be fun.

For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here

Webmaster: Jeremy Long Chia Teik.

Blog and Ping - A Search Engine Traffic Bonanza By John Jantsch Platinum Quality Author

Everyone is talking about blogs these days as the magic money-making marketing tool. Some of the hype may actually be true, but I suggest you cut through most of what you read about blogs just long enough to understand why every business needs a blog.

Right now, that's not to say this won't change, search engines are in love with real blogs. By real blogs I mean blogs that are set-up and run by businesses that offer useful content on them. Like every successful marketing method there are people out there setting up fake blogs and dumping garbage, but keyword rich, content into them in order to trick the search engines into ranking the content highly. [Please resist the urge to add to this form of search engine spam as it may actually get you banned by a search engine.]

When you understand a little about how blog software works you get a better understanding about why search engines love blogs. Here are the top reasons that business blogs and search engines go hand in hand.

Lots of Pages

Each blog entry is shown in chronological order on a blog's homepage but, each entry is in reality its own web page, with its own unique URL and title. So, an active blogger can create hundreds of keyword rich web pages in a matter of months.

Change Is Good

In order to claim your place at the blogging table you must commit to making posts often--4 or 5 times a week perhaps. This commitment means that you are creating, updating, changing some portion of your site several times a week. The typical small business web site is lucky to receive an update several times a year. Search engines like change.

Wake Up Call

Because search engines love changing content, they are ever ready to visit a site when it is updated. One feature unique to blog software is something called a pinging. Basically, what you are doing is sending out a message to various blog directories to come and visit you site because it has been updated. Once a search engine has located your site, this is like a personal invitation to come back and get the new stuff. I use a site called Ping-O-Matic to send pings to multiple services. Some blog software can be configured to do this automatically.

RSS Directories

Blogs also have a built in distribution method known as RSS. This allows you to push your updated content out to people who subscribe through an RSS reader such as Bloglines or FeedDemon as well as Yahoo and MSN. This ability allows you to communicate directly with subscribers but it can also help get your main site noticed and indexed by the major search engines. Yahoo, for example, allows people (including you) to subscribe to your blog's RSS feed. On the day you create your blog, you can subscribe to it via a free MyYahoo account and Yahoo will visit and index your blog for free. It has no choice.

Linking Is Key

Part of the blogging culture is the predisposition to link to and from quality content that relates to the subject your are blogging about. In other words, bloggers like to link. Links from other high quality blogs will send traffic and get your blog and web site noticed.

So, your blog marketing strategy a little like this: Set-up a blog and start posting. Ping each time your make a new entry. Submit your blog to the major blog and RSS directories. Start looking for link partners. Repeat

In the last few weeks I set-up blogs for an attorney, a label manufacturer, and a remodeling contractor. In each case, the blogs were indexed and spidered by the major search engines within 48 hours. Traffic to the main web sites for these businesses (although a bit meager to start with) has already doubled or tripled. Traffic from each of the major search engines is now showing up for a large number of important search terms and phrases.

Who knows how long this blog traffic bonanza will last but at this moment a blog has never made more sense.

If you're convinced that you need a blog but don't want to hassle with setting it up and learning how to promote it properly, check out my basic blog coaching package. I do the work, you're up and blogging and promoting your blog in a matter of days.

Copyright 2005 John Jantsch

John Jantsch is a marketing consultant based in Kansas City, Mo. He writes frequently on real world small business marketing tactics and is the creator of “Duct Tape Marketing” a turn-key small business marketing system. Check out his blog at

Tips For Driving Traffic to Your Blog By Sarah Bradden

Blogs have really taken off in popularity over the last few months. Many people have started their own personal blogs to put their thoughts, feelings, their day to day life and photos on and many Internet companies have also started to use their blogs to keep their customers up to date with all their offers updates etc. This has become very big within Internet Marketing and also by placing banners and links on popular websites, such as news and information sites.

There are lots of people who spend time reading blogs. People read their friends' blogs, pop stars', favorite authors' and other topics which are of interest to them. Many people look for product/subject reviews through blogs. In most cases, this is a great way to find out information. However, there are some people in the media who are being paid to write good reviews about a certain products/subjects, but real blog writers write about their actual real experiences on products and services from different companies.

As there are so many people now who read and start their own blogs. They are a fantastic way to advertise and to market products and with a massive increase in traffic to blogs this will only result in higher sales! One way to increase getting traffic to your blog, is to join affiliate programs and sites, which will list your blog. You can also have your blog advertised on popular websites. This, however, will cost some money and probably isn't the best option if you have just started to blog.

Once you have increased your traffic to your blog, you need to keep people coming back. You can ensure this by having good informative content with an easy on the eye layout and design etc. Your blog's layout and design plays a huge role. There are many companies that offer free blog posting and pre-designed templates and there are also some that allows you to customize them. If done correctly this can increase your traffic to your site.

I have put together a couple of ideas to help you get more traffic to your blog

* Get a customize banner
* Personalizing photos
* Include RSS feeds
* Adding Video or audio makes it more personal and people feel like they are connecting to a real person.
* Advertisements

Try putting this into action with your blog and you should see increased traffic quite rapidly.

Good luck with your blogs!

Please let me know if there are any questions or advice that you need. I am happy to help. ;-)
Take care

Sarah ;-)

I Am A Single Parent Who Has Turned Her Life Around And I am Now teaching Others How To do The Same.

I Look Forward To Hearing From you


If You Aren't Making Money Blogging You're Doing it Wrong By Yvonne Mustafelli

Money, time, effort, words - they are all required to be a successful blogger. Anyone who claims a blogger can make a six figure income without any upfront investment is telling a lie. The most basic investment is a personal computer and Internet connection, which costs money up front. Caught ya! But what you want is real tips to make real money - so here they are!

Consolidate Niches to Make Blogging, Marketing, and Article Submission Easier

This week on XYZ Affiliate Network, the hot item is the eToaster. You start a blog trying to market the eToaster. Next week, we expect consumers will be buying the newest version of MixrTunes at alarming rates. You start another blog to sell a few MixrTunes. Now you have to blog about toasting and music - not to mention the other three blogs you have set up for eBooks, parenting, and fitness. Too many niches means too much time.

Bloggers who want to make real blog money need to concentrate their efforts on a smaller niche - instead of on every new fad out there. Let's take fitness as the main niche. Bloggers can choose fitness eBooks, equipment, supplements, and more to sell via affiliate or direct sales. All the topics are the same with only a few simple changes between all blogs. Faster blogging, article writing, and marketing means more productivity and an increased chance of profiting from the campaign.

You Won't Make Money Just Writing

Blogging for money involves affiliate sales, in most cases. Learning affiliate sales is best done from experts in the field who post hundreds of dollars a day in profits, not your Internet friend that claims to have the secret to making mega Google ads cash. Content may be king, but only when pointed to an affiliate blog with a strong marketing push behind it.

If you've failed to learn the secret to blogging to make money you aren't learning from the right people.

Anyone can make money from home, the local coffee shop, or sitting at the beach. Visit and learn why you aren't making money.

Website Traffic - Are You a Twitter Critter Or a Blog Slogger? By JM Smith Platinum Quality Author

It is not easy to generate traffic to your website. In fact, it is probably the hardest thing of all to do on the internet. Some webmasters generate traffic to their websites or blog sites through using social bookmarking sites like Twitter while others prefer to make more of a contribution through adding real conversation to other people's blogs. So are you a Twitter critter or a blog slogger?

We can all learn how to make websites simply by applying ourselves to the technical learning required to do so and even if our first efforts seem a bit paltry, they improve with practice. But making the most outstanding, beautifully appealing website for the search engines and humans, will still only attract so much traffic in the short term. Yes, the traffic builds up as your beautiful website or blog rises in the search engine rankings but it takes time. Time is the one thing that we all have no control over but marches on regardless.

If you are a Twitter critter it means that you frequently tweet your activities and websites through using their micro-blogging service of 140 characters. If you really have something to say, this 140 character limitation is extremely frustrating. It also encourages brevity which is precisely what it is designed to do but with brevity comes nonsense and incomplete information.

It works best for those people who are time limited or don't enjoy writing. It also works to reach thousands of other Twitter users who may or may not even read your tweets. If you are a twitter critter with thousands and thousands of followers, when was the last time you spent more than 3-4 minutes reading other people's tweets or better yet, clicking on a link to follow up on more information? If you are like the majority of Twitter critters, you probably answered "a while ago".

Now as a real blog slogger you will have read the last post or two of a do-follow blog and hopefully added some real opinions into the conversation.

Being a blog slogger is time consuming but far more personally rewarding because you actually feel that you are, or have, participated in a real conversation. One of the more serious problems of working on the internet is the social isolation. For me personally I do miss the human interaction that one gets from going to a J-O-B every day. Whether you like your workmates or not, they are 'real' people in the 'real' world and one Socialises with them to whatever degree you like them. When you like them, then your workmates become real friends. This is something that anyone working on the internet full-time doesn't have.

Generating traffic to your website isn't easy but you can make friends more easily through being a blog slogger and taking the time to read what a blog is about and adding good information or differing opinions into the conversation.

If you are time short or hate writing then being a Twitter critter is right for you. The beauty of the internet is that whatever you want or want to do, all you have to do is find what works best for you personally and your website.

New terminology like micro blogging makes one think of very small writings which is precisely what they are!

Blogging - Building a Relationship By Ryan C Murphy Platinum Quality Author

1. Part of blogging is building a relationship with your readers. If you expect people to read what you have to say, you need to try to connect with them on an emotional and psychological level. It's not enough to just throw out random garbage and expect people to pay attention.

The best way to build a relationship with your readers is to always speak from your point of view. Even if it's not a popular opinion. Especially if it's not a popular opinion. People might not like you for saying something, but they will respect you more for saying what you really feel and believe rather than trying to be on everyone's' side. Fake wont get you far.

Write about how you feel about things. Don't be afraid to bare your soul on a topic you are passionate about.

2. Say what you really think and don't hold back. Bottom line it it's better to be hated than ignored. If they are ignoring you then you aren't getting any kind of response at all. Any emotional connection or reaction is better than nothing.

Say what is true for you when you are typing up your posts. Honesty earns respect, being a sheep wont even earn you disdain, it just gets you ignored.

3. Write for people first and search engines last. Anyone who has done any looking into online marketing and search engines optimization knows you need to include keywords and key phrases in the stuff you type. What you don't want to do is just type everything up for the search engines. People can tell when an article has been written like that, it never really reads right.

You should never just think in terms of online traffic. That traffic is made up of people. People buy products. People bookmark your site and share it with friends. People are the lifeblood of a website, not traffic. If you only see and think traffic, then you will never achieve a real connection with your audience.

4. Helping others helps you. Greed doesn't help you in the long run. You might wind up getting rich, but you will end up lonely, bitter and with nothing but your money for company. Never knowing who really likes you, and who is just after your funds.

I don't know if karma exists. I do know that helping people is satisfying and seems to bring back more to you. I didn't start making money online until I started trying to offer people something worthwhile. Till I started being helpful, and trying to help people. That's when things started turning around for me. So if you take nothing else from this article, take this "to help yourself, help others".

Join Blogging For Money Materplan to get a full video course on making money online. Now with a FREE membership area.

Real Blogging - 3 Creative Ways to Use a Real Estate Blog By Brandon Cornett Platinum Quality Author

Blogs are a simple and efficient way to publish information onto the Web. Blogging programs are flexible, versatile, easy to set up and even easier to use. Because of these benefits, people from many different industries are using blogs in creative ways to support their business.

Real estate agents have also found many effective uses for the blog. This is the industry I am most familiar with, so I would like to contribute a few ideas of my own. Here are five ways real estate agents can use blogging to support their business.

1. Relocation Advice and Support

A savvy agent could create a blog catering to people who plan to relocate to the agent's city. This would be a great way to keep these folks informed on local real estate issues. It's also a good way for the agent to connect with future clients who are moving to the area. Blogging programs are easy to set up, so an agent could create one specifically for this purpose.

This strategy is perfect for areas with a high rate of buyer influx and population growth. For example, here in the Austin area where I live, there are a lot of folks relocating from California. If I were a local real estate professional, I would launch a blog that catered to these people. It would be a great way to generate new business, so it would be a worthwhile venture.

2. Local Real Estate News Source

An enterprising and web-savvy agent could also manage a blog like a real estate news website. It could be hosted under its own domain with its own web address, separate from the agent's main website. That way the blog could be named something appropriate, like the "Raleigh Realty Weekly" (or whatever is applicable to the agent's locality and specialty).

This publishing strategy would benefit the publisher in several ways. First of all, the agent gains another source of Internet traffic, which can be valuable in terms of business growth. Theoretically, two websites could mean twice the traffic ... and twice the leads.

This is also a great way to network with professionals in related industries, such as home inspectors, mortgage brokers, home stagers and more. These folks could even be invited to contribute information to the site.

A news blog would also help the agent establish a level of authority. For example, few agents would be able to say something like: "Jane is also the publisher of the Dallas Real Estate Review..."

3. Timely Market Updates

Blogging is easy, even for people with little or no web-publishing experience. As a result, blogs are ideally suited for updating an audience about timely topics. This is why a lot of realty professionals use blogging programs in the first place. They realize that their audience (home buyers and sellers) wants current information about the local housing market. So these Internet-savvy agents use their blogs to share information about local sales trends, housing prices, new homes for sale, new neighborhoods being developed, etc.


These are just a few of the ways you can use a real estate professional can use a blog to grow his or her business. There are plenty of other creative strategies as well. The point of this article is merely to open your eyes to the possibilities of blogging. Not all of these ideas will be right for you, but one of them could be. So do some experimentation and see what you can come up with. Use the ideas I've listed above to get your creative juices flowing. Good luck.

Brandon Cornett publishes a number of websites related to real estate marketing, mortgage web site strategies and more. For more marketing tips, visit the author online at

3 Of The Real Blog Post Secrets By Susan Carroll Susan Carroll Level: Basic PLUS Susan has been helping people with their online marketing for more than 7 years. You're invited to join her free membership site.

Getting your blog found, getting your blog posts read and getting readers back to your blog are the real blog post secrets for every internet marketing blogger.

With that in mind let's discuss 3 of the real blog post secrets.

# 1 - Include your keywords in your title and your blog post.

One of the best ways to get your blog found is to have 1 or more of your blog posts found by the search engines. So before you put a title on your blog post do some research to find the keywords people are searching for and include those words in your title and in your blog post.

# 2 - Your blog posts need to be interesting and friendly.

Providing valuable content is of primary importance however the way you present it is just as important. When you write, write as if you were talking to a friend. You want to build a relationship with your readers so put some personality into your writing. Remember, you're having a conversation with your reader. You aren't writing an essay or a lecture.

# 3 - Make it easy for your readers to come back when you write a new post.

All blogs should offer an easy way for readers to be notified when a new blog article is posted. This is usually done by providing an RSS feed. Make sure you offer your RSS feed in an easy to see location on your blog.

While blogging is one of the newest and most successful ways to do online marketing it is, unfortunately, not done correctly by most internet marketers. Knowing and using these 3 blog post secrets gives you the opportunity to make your blog work as a successful online marketing tool.

Susan has been helping people with their online marketing for more than 4 years.

You can read another 1 of her blog post secrets on her blog at

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

Top 10 Reasons to Get a Real Blog By Jon Symons Platinum Quality Author

What do you mean by a "real" blog?

A real blog is a blog that is hosted at a hosting company and is powered by full featured, versatile blogging software like WordPress and uses a domain name that you own.

A Blogger, or Blogspot blog is not a real blog. Why not? You don't own it....Google does.

This top 10 list was inspired by seeing a lot of people creating really great blogs on Blogger or other free services and then being severely limited in earning potential by the fact that they didn't actually own all the content they were creating.

The top 10 reasons to get a real blog are:

10. Having a Blogger blog is like spending a lot of money on renovations on a house that you are renting, you don't get the long term financial benefits because you don't really own it.

9. You dramatically increase the customizations that you can do to your site. A WordPress site has hundreds of free themes available to change the look of your site.

8. Increased functionality. A WordPress site has hundreds of plug-ins available to extend what your site can do. Many of these are specifically designed to increase the profit potential of your site.

7. Limited earning potential. Blogger sites cannot run scripts that would allow you to do things like sell text link ads, for example.

6. You'll get a commenting system that is way better than on a free site. You can have users subscribe to your comments on individual posts or categories on your site. Not to mention trackbacks and pinging services. This improves the discussion on your site and results in more traffic.

5. The latest version of WordPress has a fantastic anti comment spam system. I personally had to abandon a Blogspot blog when it was ruined with people leaving un-welcomed comments.

4. With your own hosted site, you will be able to have a more professional email address, like:

3. A real blog is much more flexible. For example you can create folders to organize pages or other content that isn't directly for your blog. Also you can branch out beyond about if you start to sell affiliate products related to your site.

2. Better statistics. When you have your own hosted blog or website, you have access to much more detailed statistics than with a "free" site.

1. You can sell it. Websites are very valuable these days, but you can't sell a Blogger site because you don't own it. If you have a very successful site on your own domain name and you want to move on to something else, you can sell your site and the domain name and make good money, depending on how much traffic your site gets.

Jon J. Symons is a software developer and creator of a bunch of WordPress sites. He has created a series of online tutorials called "Get a Real Blog" that go step by step through the process from keyword research, to registering a domain, finding hosting, and installing and customizing WordPress. Set up an online home with